The Dr. Seuss Experience is an imaginative and interactive immersion into the wondrous world of Dr. Seuss! Our top priority is providing an accessible and safe experience for our guests, cast, crew, and everyone involved. As the pandemic recovery progresses, The Dr. Seuss Experience continues to monitor changes with government mandates and public health protocols.
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Health and Safety Practices
Venue Policies
The Dr. Seuss Experience will follow prevailing venue, city, and state guidelines. It is currently highly reccomended for all guests to wear masks while inside the experience.
Our timed entry model is designed to manage the number of guests in the experience at any given time. Throughout 2021, we have reduced our overall guest capacity to avoid over-crowding.
Wellness Check
Remember to check the temperature of each member of your party before arriving at the experience. If anyone has a temperature of 100.4° or more or is not feeling well, please stay at home.
Face Coverings and Vaccinations
All Dr. Seuss Experience employees are fully vaccinated.
Frequent sanitation measures include wipe downs of all contact surfaces throughout each day to ensure a clean and safe environment.
Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the experience with CDC approved hand sanitizer.
Health and Safety Enhancements
The Dr. Seuss Experience has enhanced health and safety guidelines which we require you to follow while attending our event. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. Guests should evaluate their own risk in determining whether to attend. By attending The Dr. Seuss Experience, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.